Who Can Apply For A Sub-Broker With Iifl Securities?

Who Can Apply For A Sub-Broker With Iifl Securities?

Individuals who are interested in the stock market and are ready to explore their potential now have the chance to become a Sub-broker with IIFL Securities. IIFL Securities is one of India’s leading stock market providers and has a reputation for being one of the best stock market providers under the banner of their name.

Who is a Sub-Broker?

The Sub-broker is a position of authority that operates under the stockbroker.

The Following Is An Explanation Of Their Role.

A stockbroker is an integral part of your investment. They help investors by smoothing out the transaction process between both parties by bridging the buyer and seller gap. In India, many Stock Market brokers offer online and offline services.

For the past few years, many investors have opted for trading and investments done without or with less human intervention using stock market applications offered by the brokers. You may now understand that there is a massive demand for stock investments in India.

Sub-brokers work similarly to stockbrokers, but some factors differentiate them. Due to the increasing numbers of investors, the brokers cannot manage and provide quality service. Hence, they need some assistance.

What Is a Sub Broker:

A Sub-broker is an authorised person who performs the same work as a Stockbroker, the middle-man between two parties.

A sub-broker is a person who acts as a middle man between the stockbroker and the investor. A sub-broker works for a stockbroker and assists investors in dealing with their shares and other securities through the stockbroking firm. They receive a commission for every transaction an investor makes with a broker.

Who can Become A Broker With IIFL?

People involved in the stock market and ready to challenge their boundaries to explore their knowledge can become sub-brokers with IIFL Securities. Let it be millennials or centennials, existing IFAs, professionals, or homemakers, anyone can partner with IIFl, but they are required to meet some criteria of IIFL Securities.

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Following Are The Eligibility Criteria For Becoming A Sub-Broker With Iifl Securities:

  • The person should be at least 21 years old or older.
  • They should have completed a minimum qualification of higher secondary.
  • should not be registered as a sub-broker with any other trading member
  • Must not be a defaulter in some other stock trade
  • It will be a great advantage if you have an additional certification in Stock Market or finance.
  • They should have the knowledge & understanding of the stock market
  • To become a Sub-broker with IIFL Securities and individuals require Computer knowledge and awareness about new technologies of trading


IIFL security has one of India’s most sought-after advisory services, with over 25 lakh Indians putting their trust in it. As a Sub-broker with IIFL Securities, you will benefit from the enormous leverage of the IIFL Securities brand, which will ultimately boost your client’s confidence to trade.

IIFL’s sub-broker program is one of the best franchise models with more than 15000 franchise partners. By choosing to become a Sub-broker with IIFL Securities, one can enjoy several other benefits and an opportunity for immense growth at both an individual and business level.